Transfer Instructions
Instructions for Hot peel film:
- Time: first press 10 seconds / second press 5 seconds
- Temperature: 300 degrees Fahrenheit
- Pressure: Firm Pressure
- Place garment on heat press and direct to film transfer onto garment with image (right reading) facing up.
- Press with firm pressure at 300°F for 10 seconds.
- For Hot Peel, Start from a corner with the most ink coverage and remove in one, rapid motion (like removing a bandage).
- Place garment on heat press, cover with standard or Teflon finishing sheet and press for 5 seconds.
Instructions for Cold peel film:
- Time: first press 12 - 15 seconds / second press 15 seconds
- Temperature: 300 - 320 degrees Fahrenheit
- Pressure: Medium Pressure
- Place garment on heat press and direct to film transfer onto garment with image (right reading) facing up.
- Press with medium pressure at 300°F - 320°F for 12 - 15 seconds.
- Remove pressure and heat and let your transfer rest for a minimum of 15 seconds. Your transfer should be cool to the touch. You can now begin gently peeling back applying even pressure.
- Place a Teflon sheet over the design and press for a second time for 15 seconds.